Mikrotik Default Password

Every router comes with the IP address pre-configured on the ether1 port.

Please make a new user in the “full” group with a password after logging in for the first time, log back in, and remove the default admin user.

Default User name Default PasswordIP AddressPort
adminBlank/no password192.168.88.1/241


We strongly advise you to adhere to the general recommendations in the article Securing your router in order to keep the gadget safe from any unauthorized access.


Here is the list of all the Model Numbers of Mikrotik with default user name and password

Router Model Number User Name Blank
CCR2004-1G-2XS-PCIeadminno password
CCR2216-1G-12XS-2XQadminback of the product
hEX liteadminblank
hEX PoE liteadminblank
PowerBoxadminno password
hEX SadminBlank
hEX PoEadminno password
PowerBox Proadminback of the product
RB3011UiAS-RMadminno password
RB5009UG+S+INadminno password
RB1100AHx4 Dude Editionadminblank
CCR1009-7G-1C-PCadminback of the product
CCR2004-1G-12S+2XSadminno password
CCR1016-12S-1S+adminno password
CCR1036-12G-4S-EMadminback of the product
RouterBOARD 11ooAHx4 (RB11ooAHx4)adminblank
RouterBOARD 133c (RB133c)adminno password
RouterBOARD 133 (R13133)adminBlank
RouterBOARD 4011 (RB4oniGS+ 5HacQ2HnD-IN)adminno password
RouterBOARD 4011 (RB4oniGS+5HacO2HnD-IN)admin 
RouterBOARD 4011 (RB4oniGS+RM)adminblank
RouterBOARD 411 (RB411)adminback of the product
RouterBOARD 433UAH (RB433UAH)adminblank
RouterBOARD 450G (RB45oG)adminblank
RouterBOARD 45o (R13450)adminblank
RouterBOARD 493G (RB4g3G)adminno password
RouterBOARD 493 (RB493)adminBlank
RouterBOARD 532A (RB532A)adminno password
RouterBOARD 600 (RB600)admin 
RouterBOARD 75oGL (RB75oGL)adminblank
RouterBOARD 750G (RB75oG)adminback of the product
RouterBOARD 750 (RB75o)adminblank
RouterBOARD 951-2n (RB951-2n)adminblank
RouterBOARD 953GS-5HnT (RBg53GS-5HnT)adminblank
RouterBOARD Groove 52HPnadminno password
RouterBOARD hAP lite (RB941-2nD-TC)adminBlank
RouterBOARD hEX lite (RB75or2)adminno password
RouterBOARD hEX PoE lite (RB750UPr2)admin 
RouterBOARD hEX (RB75oGr2)adminblank
RouterBOARD hEX S (RB760iGS)adminback of the product
RouterBOARD hEX v3 (RB75oGr3)adminBlank


Mikrotik features

  • ISP – routing
  • Firewall
  • bandwidth management
  • wireless access point
  • backhaul link
  • hotspot gateway
  • VPN server Router Reset Configuration


How to recover Mikrotik password

You must need to create a backup file because Mikrotik Winbox does not offer a forget password feature, but there is nothing wrong with trying it as follows:

  1. You must first go to the MRT site for the Mikrotik Password Recovery Tool.
  2. Choose the Mikrotik Backup File from the list of files.
  3. The Mikrotik username and password will be read from the backup file once you click the “Submit” button.
  4. The list of Mikrotik users and passwords will then appear.


Router Reset Configuration

1) Turn off the device’s power source;

2) Immediately after turning on the power, press and hold the button;

Keep pressing the button until the LED begins to flash.

3) To clear configuration, release the button;


Mikrotik Factory Resetting


  1. Disconnect the device’s power cord.
  2. Press and hold the reset button without releasing
  3. Connect the power cord, then wait for the ACT light to begin blinking.
  4. Press and hold the button until configuration is cleared.
  5. Give the router a few minutes to reset and return to its default settings.
  6. Connect your computer to Mikrotik router port 3
  7. Launch a browser window and go to
  8. Choose Files from the menu on the left, then click the item default.


  1. To begin the restore process, select Restore and then click OK.
  2. The router will restart and return to its normal settings.



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