Welsummer Eggs vs Maran Eggs

 We have made an effort to provide a comprehensive and informative guide so that you can read all the relevant information about the topic welsummer eggs vs maran eggs.

Welsummer and Marans Egg Production

Welsummer chickens lay a lot of eggs. They produce large eggs. A single hen can produce 160-180 large and beautiful eggs per year.

Although Marans do not lay as many speckled eggs as Welsummers, they do produce some enviable dark brown eggs. Marans are a dual purpose breed as well, but they weigh a few pounds more than Welsummers. Marans’ annual egg production is slightly lower than that of Welsummers, at 150 eggs per year.

Welsummer breed

The Welsummer chicken is a single-combed, clean-legged and is known for producing a rich, dark brown egg.The male’s saddle, head and neck feathers are a rich golden brown and their back, wing front and wing bows are bright reddish brown. feather on the females’ back is reddish brown, stippled with black, and has a distinct lighter shaft.

Maran breed

Marans chickens are famous for their dark brown, almost chocolate-colored eggs. These are the “most expensive chicken eggs in the world,” and they are slightly more difficult to hatch than other breeds.

Egg shape, color, weight and annual production of welsummer and Marans breeds


BreedWelsummer Marans
Other namesWelsumerFrench: Poule de Marans
Country of originNetherlandsFrance
Weight of chickenMale: Standard: 2.75–3.25 kg

Female: Standard: 2.0–2.5 kg

Male: Standard: 3.5–4 kg

Female: Standard: 2.5–3 kg


Egg colourReddish brown


Chocolate Brown
annual egg production160-180150

Welsummer and their eggs

Many Welsummer eggs in the Netherlands are no longer what they used to be; they are too small and too light in colour, whereas the British Utility Welsummers’ eggs were much bigger and darker brown in colour, with the majority weighing more than 70 grams and the eggs of the standard size Welsummer barely reaching the minimum weight of 60 grams.

Marans and their eggs

The eggs of Marans change colour. When a Marans pullet begins to lay eggs, they are very dark brown. Her eggs become lighter as the laying season progresses. Her eggs begin dark brown again after a moult or seasonal break.

A Marans egg’s colour is inherited. If the parents lay dark eggs, the offspring will as well. If the parent stock, however, lays lighter brown eggs, their offspring will as well.



1.Marans chickens are known for laying exceptionally dark brown eggs. Every year, Marans hens lay 150-200 large brown eggs.


2.The colour of the egg can range from dark brown to very dark brown. The eggs can be chocolate brown, reddish or russet brown, or coppery brown. Hens that lay the breed’s characteristically dark brown eggs are typically not the best layers.


3.Marans eggs differ slightly from eggs of other breeds. Many of the eggs are spherical in shape, which makes storing them difficult (because you can’t tell the broad end from the narrow end).



1.The average number of eggs laid per year is 160-250. In general, the higher the egg output, the less ‘pure’ the bird.They do tend to slow or stop production during the winter months, but it quickly resumes in the spring.


2.During their prime years, my Welsummers laid about 4 eggs per week. The visual quality of the eggs, rather than their quantity, is stunning.


3.The eggs should be a rich, dark terra cotta brown with dark speckles. When cleaning the eggs, the pigmentation is so intense that you can wipe it away with your fingers.


How to Grade wellsummer and Marans eggs: A Demonstration

Take a store bought egg and a fresh egg from your flock. Break the eggs onto different plates. What are the differences? The first difference you should notice is the color of the yolk. The store bought egg’s yolk is probably a yellowish color while the fresh egg’s yolk is probably an orange color.

Another difference is the way the yolk of the fresh egg stays on top of the white, and the white stands up on the plate. Now take a look at the shells, the healthier the bird the thicker the shell.

Common Questions:

1-What color eggs does a Welsummer chicken lay?

The Welsummer is a lovely Dutch breed known for its deep reddish brown egg colour. Many of the eggs are speckled as well!

2-Are Welsummer chickens good layers?

Welsummers are distinguished by their large dark brown eggs. Standard size birds lay 160 to 250 eggs per year, while bantams lay 150 to 200 eggs per year.

3-What type of Maran lays the darkest egg?

The most common colour variation is Black Copper Marans, which are almost entirely black with a touch of gold on their necks and lightly feathered shanks and toes. They have a single bright red comb and red to orange eyes. This variety produces the darkest brown eggs.

4-Are Marans good egg layers?

Marans are generally friendly and docile. They aren’t terribly broody, but are good foragers and a nice, hardy breed. They are decent layers, producing 150-200 eggs per year on average.

5- What are the benefit in eating both eggs?

  • Eggs Are Nutrient-Dense
  • Provide High-Quality Protein
  • Lower “Bad” Cholesterol….
  • Good source of vitamin D
  • filling and aid in weight loss.
  • best sources of choline in the diet
  • 82% vitamin D
  • 50% daily folate
  • 25% (Vitamin B2)
  • 40% selenium

5-What are the Housing Requirements to produce Healthy eggs

You must provide shelter for your chickens. Chickens need to be sheltered from rain and sun. Too much sun can cause discoloring of the feathers (called sunburn) and heat stroke.

Shelters need to have draft free ventilation and the fowl should have easy access to food and water. In our mild climate the shelter can be as simple as a tarp attached to a wooden fence.

Your shelter and yard will probably need to be changed or added to as your flock grows.

Food, water, and shelter are the 3 most important needs of a fowl.

End Note:

My Welsummers laid about 4 eggs per week during their prime years. The visual quality of the eggs is stunning, rather than their quantity.

Marans chickens are well-known for laying dark brown eggs. The egg’s colour can range from dark brown to very dark brown. Chocolate brown, reddish or russet brown, or coppery brown eggs are all options.


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